Our Family

Our Family
Our Family: Pops, Me, The Teenager, The Boy, The Freckle Faced Ninja, Miss Priss, Miss Sassy Pants, Madi-Lou-Who, & Dora the Explorer

Friday, September 23, 2011

Today was a challenge...4/22/10

I originally wrote this Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 12:12am (staying up late is the only way I could get things done in quiet!).  Our kids had just been with us a few days.

Today was a challenge. We learned not to let children with food issues help prepare breakfast! And a 1 year old can look adorable and still whack her sister pretty dang hard! I'm not sure I remember how many times we sat someone in timeout. Success of the day...they did sit, while wailing like they were dying, but they did sit!

Will got to see his new school and we all got very overly excited by that outing. We weren't sure how he was going to do with other kids. We went to the park and he did great playing with a friend. I kept forgetting that I had to count 4 kids, not just 1, and decided we need a "team" color for every public outing so I can keep track!

After Lydia asked for the umpteenth time if Tony and I were married, she then announced that we shouldn't be married and said, "I don't like y'all". We know she was trying to figure some things out, we just weren't sure if she was feeling conflicted about her caring about birth or foster parents or making sure we really like her.

Later she called to me from the tub and said, "Mommy, can Daddy marry me?"

I remember Gabby going through the, I'm gonna marry daddy phase so I smiled and answered, "Yes"

"He can marry you and me?" she asks

"Yes, because he loves us both."

"Because he loves me and I'm his princess!" Clarity came amidst the exhaustion! Needless to say, I'm doubling my prayers for her to feel that daddy loves her tons!

On Sunday, Will told Tony they had only been to church once before. We sat together in the overflow room as a family and then spent time talking about how special they were to God. We've talked about it a little each day and now Will & Lydia are asking to say the blessing at mealtimes (while Madi cries because her food isn't ready). Lydia has been requesting Jesus Loves Me as her song at nap and bedtimes.

They have so many needs and they are so amazing at the same time. Everyone has been telling us how wonderful we are, but God is the amazing one. He loves me so much that he put the love for these children in my heart months ago. It's still surreal that they are here, but as each day passes I see their hearts more and more. God has blessed us so abundantly we cannot even fathom it. If you are reading this note, you are one of our blessings. Thanks for all of your love, support, and prayers! We are becoming a family.

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